Vice President for Finance and Administration Search Update


Contributed by Sean Reid

Many thanks to the members of the campus community who participated in the open sessions with the three VPFA finalists during their campus visits. 

Since my last update, the three VPFA finalists have completed their two-day campus visits and had the opportunity to meet with many members of the campus community including open sessions for students, faculty, and staff. In addition, the candidates met with the Senior Leadership Team, Deans, CFO Direct Reports, Tri-Council leadership, and members of the IEBC. The search committee is very grateful to the members of the community who met with the finalists and provided candid feedback. During the campus visit, each candidate also had the opportunity for an extended one-on-one meeting with President Collado.  After reviewing all the feedback, the committee met to discuss the finalist campus visits in detail and provide its analysis to President Collado.

President Collado will consider her own interactions with the finalists, the feedback from the community, and the analysis of the search committee as well as feedback from the search consultants and members of the Board of Trustees who spoke with each of the candidates. After careful consideration, the President will determine her top choice(s) and extend an offer. We look forward to learning the outcome of this process. In the meantime, I would like to thank the members of the search committee for their outstanding work.

Sean Reid

Chair, VPFA Search Committee