Online Event through Educause - eXtended Reality (XR): How AR, VR and MR are Extending Learning Opportunities


Contributed by Jenna Linskens

We invite you to join the TLT staff for an online learning opportunity where we will hear how other higher education institutions are using AR/VR to support teaching and learning. 

Are you interested in learning about Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) and how these tools can support teaching and learning in your classroom? Are you trying to make curricular connections to these different forms of technology? To support the introductory AR/VR experience offered this spring by Dr. Becky Lang, we invite you to join the TLT staff for an online learning opportunity where we will focus on these questions and more. In these two focus sessions we will learn from other institutions who are utilizing AR/VR technology for teaching and learning. We will also take time to discuss and develop ways AR, VR and MR can enhance teaching and learning here at Ithaca College. 

You are encouraged to attend both sessions, but we understand if you are only able to participate in one of the offerings.  


Part 1: Tuesday, May 22 @ 12:00pm – 3:45pm 

Part 2: Thursday, May 24 @ 12:00pm – 3:45pm 


Online – hosted by TLT in Job 103 Faculty Learning Space  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jenna Linskens at or (607) 274-1590. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.