ALLUVIAN is now taking submissions for the theme of our WINTER 2018/2019 issue: Human Triage: The Grey Zone


Contributed by Cheryl Gunther

As carbon and methane emissions rise, as glaciers melt and ocean levels rise, and as food grows scarce— governments, militaries and paramilitaries, democracies and dictatorships, cities and communities, neighborhoods and families will all need to make increasingly difficult ethical and strategic choices.  

These choices, this ethical triage, could mean that the refugees from Miami as well as Dhaka, from the Marshall Islands as well as the English coasts, from Boston as well as Bombay will die in large numbers. Our very human reaction to this ethical grey zone is the theme for our Winter 2018/2019 issue. We take science writing, fiction, poetry, and nonfiction; art, photography, and cartoons; audio drama and short video clips. Deadline October 15, 2018. 

Submit through our website,