PALS Rowing Course - New This Fall


Contributed by Beth Greene

Learn the basics of rowing while earning .5 PALS credits - all before Sept 16th


 Intro to Rowing is a new PALS course being offered this fall! 

Participants will use pool-side rowing stations and the C2 Rower to learn the basics of the rowing stroke and rowing-based workouts. 

Sections are offered at both 4 and 5pm, and run daily from Aug 29th through Sept 15th.  The course culminates with a Saturday row on the Cayuga Inlet in a real racing shell.  

Look for PALS 05600-01 or -02 in Homer, and knock out your first .5 credits of the semester early!  (Freshmen, you are free to make changes to your fall schedule starting at 5pm on Aug 24th.)