IC Pagan Community Opening Meeting and Events


Contributed by Miranda Ella

If you are pagan, interested in pagansim, and/or curious about learning about paganism you are invited to join our organization!  Read on to learn about our weekly meetings and opening events for the year.

IC Pagan Community is a small but growing faith-based student organization.  "Pagan" is a very broad term that describes many earth-based faiths that are often considered unorthodox.  As a community, we accept anyone and everyone of any religion, faith, or spirituality.

We will have weekly meetings Fridays 4:30-5:30pm in the Phillips Room in the Chapel.  Our first meeting will be on September 7, and we look forward to hosting a light, introductory meeting to meet our new members and set the air for the rest of the semester!

Our first ritual will be on September 15, we'll gather at 12:30 (noontime, not midnight) in front of the Chapel and take a short walk to the Boothroyd trail in the Natural Lands.  We'll chat a little bit about it at our first meeting, but the ritual will be about setting positive intentions for the year to come.

Lastly, in the works is our semesterly Ask-A-Witch event.  We're currently planning it for September 22 6-8pm, location TBD.  The E-Board brings their collection of pagan-related books and items and YOU can bring your questions and curiosities!  More info to come.

Check us out on Facebook page, group, and IC Engage!  You can also email me directly with any questions, hesitations, or concerns at mmeserve@ithaca.edu.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Miranda Ella at mmeserve@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

