A regional organization (CNYCDA) is hosting an Internship Showcase event on November 10th in Syracuse. Selected students will be given an opportunity to give a 3-minute presentation about their prior internship experiences (including field work, performances, etc) for the opportunity to win a $500 prize!
View the Program Description and Registration Instructions Here
Benefits: This will give you a valuable resume-booster, an opportunity to highlight your internship experience, and presentation experience at a regional event. Each student who is selected to present will receive a certificate of participation. One student will be selected to win $500 based on a panel of judges and audience vote!
Please direct questions to Cheryl Rotyliano in Career Services: crotyliano@ithaca.edu.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Cheryl Rotyliano at crotyliano@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3310. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.