Survey on Faculty and Student use of Technology


Contributed by Kayla Lepkowski

We would like your help to better understand how students and faculty are using technology in and out of the classroom.  We have partnered with EDUCAUSE, a major not-for-profit professional organization that focuses on IT in higher education, for their annual Student and Faculty Technology Surveys. 

On Tuesday, March 5th an email invitation will be sent to Ithaca College Faculty and Students requesting their participation in these surveys. The email will come from CIO@ITHACA.EDU.

Participation in the study is voluntary, and responses will be completely confidential. If you complete the survey, you can opt-in to be eligible to win a gift certificate to!

The results of the surveys will be used to help inform the technology services provided at Ithaca College, in addition to helping benchmark technology use in higher education in general.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact or

The survey will remain open until April 1, 2019.