Recommended Syllabus Insert for ICC-Designated Courses


Contributed by Susan Delaney

Are you teaching an ICC-designated course? Help your students by providing information about the ICC learning objectives and eportfolio recommendations. 

The Committee for College-Wide Requirements (CCR) requests that instructors include explicit reference to how the course will address the ICC designation and include the learning outcomes within the syllabus.  Your syllabus should also include a general reminder that students should upload an artifact from the course for their electronic learning portfolio and recommend a specific assignment if there are one or more that address the SLOs particularly well.​​ Students have suggested that faculty spend 15-20 minutes of class time discussing the eportfolio and provide an opportunity to upload the artifacts and reflection.

 Suggested language can be found on the ICC website under Resources for Faculty, along with other useful information. Questions? Contact ICC Director Susan Adams Delaney at