The Women’s Mentoring Network is proud to announce the Fall 2019 Coffee Conversation Series, with topics selected and hosted by women across campus.
The session "New and Expecting Moms" will be offered November 20th, 12-1pm.
Hosted by Kelly Dowd, this conversation will provide space for women who care for young children or expect to welcome a new child into their lives to come together for mutual support. The conversation will be a place to share ideas, resources, support, stores, adventures (and misadventures!) of caring for young children. Parents and guardians of all kinds are welcome.
Registration will be limited to 10 women (faculty and staff) per conversation to allow for meaningful dialogue. If there is interest that exceeds capacity, we can explore adding more dates. Additionally, if there is a new topic that you would like to host, please email Julie Dorsey ( to discuss details.
The conversation will be held at the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett.
Registration for the event can be found here.
Purpose of the Women’s Mentoring Network: to enable faculty and staff who identify as women at Ithaca College to connect in meaningful ways to support their goals.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Colette Matisco at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.