The Student Governance Council General Body Meeting on September 30th, 2019 had multiple confirmations and discussions surrounding future proceedings. Thank you to everyone in attendance!
Ithaca College Student Governance Council
Senate Meeting Agenda
Monday, 09/30, 2019 7:00pm –Taughannock Falls Meeting Room
I. Call to Order: 7:01 PM
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the minutes
A. Motion to approve: Hunter
i. PASSED: 6-0
IV. New Business
A. Icebreaker
V. Confirmations
A. Platform Presentations
i. Allocations:
1. Roop Patel: Junior Computer Science Major
a. Been on Appropriations for a year
b. Goes to events that appropriations gives money to
c. Ali:
i. Things you want to accomplish?
1. Allocate as much money as possible
2. Get as many people on campus involved
2. Grace Madeya: Class of 2023 TAM
a. Inspired by folks who were confirmed last week
b. Get to know campus better and have freshman learn campus as well
c. Henry: how would TAM background help position in the appropriations?
i. Half is business, half is theater
ii. Discussion:
1. Ali: Roop has a lot of ideas, and Grace is bringing a diverse perspective
2. Abby: Good to expand the reach with different backgrounds
3. Alex: motion to exhaust time and move into voting procedure
a. PASSED: 5-0
4. Henry: Motion to confirm both
a. PASSED: 5-0
iii. Kayla Wilkens: Senator-at-Large First Year TVR:
1. Advocate for social justice
2. Abby: involved on anything else on campus to gain experienced?
a. Involved in BSU
3. Reed: What past experiences helped you through this process?
a. Vice President of high school
b. Addressed problems and brought them to the principal
iv. Austin Ruffino: Senator of School of Business
1. Continue the role
2. Dean of the business school said that we have an impact on the school
3. Academic Policy Committee
4. Diversity, equality, and sustainability
a. Carbon-neutral long-term goal
5. Abby: how do we make sure students across schools feel represented and connected?
a. Identifying with IC primarily over identifying with schools
b. Dorms are means to encourage people to interact with people outside of their own school
v. Antara Sen: First-year Cinema and Photo and Physics: Senator-at-Large
1. Understand the importance of community
2. International student*
3. Having a place where you feel like home
a. Accessible to new students
4. Double majoring in two schools that don’t connect very enough
5. Events that utilize from both schools
6. Scavenger hunts or problem-solving activities for people to meet each other
7. Eva: how did you select majors and how do you think those will inform your senate experience:
a. Building things: physics allows you to make things
b. Moved from India and Malaysia: discovered media studies
c. Understanding physics through a visual media
d. Problem solving skills, where you have to think of a lot of people’s needs, demands, and issues
8. Grace: experience similar to SGC?
a. Always part of Student Government
b. Head student of media department?
i. Helped construct green room, handle financial side
9. Hunter: all 3 candidates covered bases, they all have experience, intentional progress; Austin mentioned sustainability
10. Henry: diversified perspectives
11. Grace: offer different backgrounds and good ideas coming in
12. Grace: motion to go into voting procedure
a. PASSED: 7-0
13. Hunter: Motion to approve all 3 candidates
a. PASSED: 7-0
VI. Continuing Business:
A. Speaker- Steve Catlin: RentCollegePads
i. Farwa: contract with Uptop, meeting with Bonnie Prunty regarding the contract
VII. Officer Reports
A. President –
i. Meeting with President Collado on Thursday, if anything to bring up let me know
ii. Senate Orientation with food???
B. Vice President of Communications –
i. Hunter: will be on Communications Committee
ii. SGC spotlights
iii. Office Hours: 2-3 on Wednesdays for a chat
C. Vice President of Campus Affairs –
i. Meeting with Bonnie to see if we can get student involvement in Uptop Campus
ii. Free stamps in 4 locations: providing 400 stamps to IC’s campus
1. OSE, SGC Office, Mail Center, Civic Engagement, Info Desk
iii. Assistant for VPCA
iv. Meeting with Student Orgs on Campus
v. Hunter: will promo stuff be coming out soon?
1. Yes.
D. Vice President of Academic Affairs –
i. Meeting with the Center of Faculty Excellence to create a standardized policy
1. Hunter: Land recognition?
a. Reed: Matt Sullivan agreed with land recognition policy
ii. ICC review committee: talking through changes to implement starting in Fall of 2021
E. Vice President of Business and Finance –
i. Full schedule for first appropriations committee this week
ii. One seat open
iii. Roughly $2,000 to be appropriated
F. Senate Chair –
i. Eboard will teach y’all how to do SGC
1. ParliPro, How to do SGC, Bill Writing Process, Constitutional Read-Through, Important People to know around campus, office walk-through
ii. Committees: as Senators, you must serve on two committees
1. Academic senators already have your committees
2. CAPS Committee and Constitutional Review
a. 6 senators and 2 students at large
iii. Physical copies of the constitution
iv. Absences and being late:
1. Contact in advance, so contact by the time agenda comes out
2. AT LEAST 24 hours in advance
G. Chief of Staff – Shevi Gene
H. Student Trustee –
I. Residence Hall Association –
J. Student Liaison to the Alumni Board –
VIII. Open Agenda.
A. Hunter: Collaborating with eboard for a new committee
i. Committee for Diversity, Social Justice, and Sustainability
1. Internal committee
B. Alex: Surprised by the state of some of the buildings on campus
i. Ali: PAR Request
ii. Farwa: Strategic Planning
iii. Shevi: dependent on enrollment
C. Farwa:
IX. Adjournment.
A. Grace: motion to adjourn
i. PASSED: 10-0