Dr. Carly Jo Hosbach-Cannon (SLPA) and Chasse Guerrera ('18, '20) present at National Conference


Contributed by Maureen Forrest

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology would like to congratulate Dr. Carly Jo Hosbach-Cannon (Assistant Professor) and graduate student Chasse Guerrera (’18,’20), who presented their research at the 2019 Fall Voice Conference in Dallas, TX.

They are the first representatives of Ithaca College to present at this prestigious conference, which focuses on the clinical care of patients with voice-related difficulties and how clinical and basic science research guide clinical care. The titles of their respective projects are as follows:

*C. Guerrera & CJ Hosbach-Cannon “Breathiness as a factor of contact quotient in the perception of femininity in the male-to-female transgender voice

*CJ Hosbach-Cannon & C. Guerrera “Sonographic assessment of hyoid elevation and suprahyoid muscle contraction during 4 controlled protocols

