Student Governance Council Meeting Minutes 10/14/2019


Contributed by Abigail Murtha

 Thank you to everyone who came out to a fun and informative meeting on Monday, October 14th. Highlights included: the IC DACA Amicus Brief, open confirmations, and open committees (which are open to students at large!).

Ithaca College Student Governance Council

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, 10/14/2019 7:00pm –Taughannock Falls Meeting Room


1. Confirmations are still open 2. IC DACA Amicus Brief 3. SGC looks to do outreach to student body 4. Dave Prunty looking for student committee members 5. SGC committees still need to be filled 6. Provost searching for park students to be on Dean search committee 7. Fill the Hill post Cortaca Basketball Event 8. ICC Curriculum being reviewed 9. Diversity requirements and guidelines should be looked at 10. SGC Senate meetings to be livestream beginning 10/21/19


I. Call to order: 7:02 PM

II. Roll Call

a. Present: 8

b. After confirmations:

III. Approval of minutes

a. 9/30/19

i. Motion to approve – Hunter

ii. 2nd Henry

iii. Passed 9-0-0

b. 10/07/2019

c. Motion to approve – Alex

i. 2nd hunter

ii. Passed 10-0-0

IV. New and Continued Business

a. Confirmations are still open

b. DACA Amicus Brief – President Farwa

i. Ithaca College has signed unto Brief

ii. If you feel that there is an issue that SGC should say something about publicly, voice that…

c. Senator Reports

i. Henry

1. Freshman class seems to be going well

2. Someone talked about res. Hall lights being on during the middle of the night.

a. Sensors

3. Freshman are not aware of what SGC is

a. We should reach out

4. People are interested in joining but we need more outreach to inform them

ii. Sebastian

1. First event – Livestream of Democratic Presidential debate 8 Textor 103, food provided

2. Thinking about speaker series in December

a. People might

b. Looking for anyone interested in speaking

i. SGC

ii. Politics etc.

iii. Next Senator Reports


V. Officer Reports

a. Farwa

i. Dining Forum in Kling Lounge 10/15/19

ii. Dave Prunty is looking for students to be on a food committee

1. Athletes

2. Dietary Restrictions

3. Muslim

4. Jewish etc.

iii. Oct. 23rd – Ithaca Forever Launch Party at Dillingham Center Patio

iv. Committees

1. Everyone must serve on two committees

2. Look for new recruits as well

v. Provost Cornish is looking for a student to be on Park School Dean Search

1. Contact

b. Eva

i. Live-streaming of General Body Meetings will begin on 10/21/19

ii. Still looking for student bio’s for spotlights

1. Headshot

2. Small Bio a. Email at

c. Connor

d. Reed

i. ICC Taskforce

1. What are some topics do they need to consider?

a. Alex

i. Intentionality behind each of the pillars

ii. E.g. Diversity credits – there are senior

iii. Some credits are being taken without accounting for anything, the are only getting general education credits


i. It is confusing how the credits are suppose to fit into you courses…not enough info online


i. Maybe, there should be a discussion during orientation to better prepare students

d. Yetunde

i. Diversity requirement is problematic

1. E.g. there was an Environmental Science major that

a. You should not have to exit your school or have to take a class in CSCRE to learn about diversity

e. Hunter

i. Maybe, creating your own ICC – with guidelines in place

ii. Working on Statement of Equity w/ RhaK Lash

1. Update coming after Fall Break

iii. Signature event – Fill the Hill Nov. 19

1. Post Cortaca

a. SUNY Cortland vs. IC Women’s Basketball

f. Ali

i. Spring Funding will open next week

1. You can submit funding beginning this

ii. SGC needs to have a presence at the events that we fund

1. Looking to compare projected turnout presents by orgs. That request funding vs. how much the actual turnout is (working on this with CES)

iii. Budget balance update is coming next week

iv. 5K Bomber Blitz

g. Abby

i. Happy indigenous peoples day

ii. We are working on ordering merch. For SGC Senate

1. Notebooks, pens, etc.

iii. Bill Writing

1. Look out for emails

2. Bill Ideas

a. Two amendments already written to amend

b. Removal of committee

c. Previous bill about inclement weather and colleges stance on attendance

d. Point of Information – Farwa

i. IC student passed away while commuting in part due to inclement weather

3. Dining Services will be presenting at SGC in the future


h. Shevi

i. Note to Senate: make sure that you are staying up to date on what is happening around you. Things that are happening on campus generally, within your school, as

well as other schools. As member of SGC we are charged with serving the student body and to do this best, we must be informed on what is taking place around us.

i. Yetunde

i. Taking political stances – what we tend to respond to

ii. Women was gunned down in Texas in her home

1. Address OPS interaction with POC and those with Mental Health as well

iii. Having POC ALANA Senator for representation to open relations

1. Speak with Students of Color Coalition

iv. Accommodations, not enough space,

VI. Open Agenda

a. Alex

i. Personal Pronouns

ii. Resources are available to learn how to use other peoples pronouns

b. Hunter

i. RA spoke with resident who is concerned about religious life on campus pertains to the Jewish Community and

1. e.g. non-kosher food was brought to an Jewish event

ii. Alex – There is a division between orthodox and reform Jewish within the Jewish community

1. The issue with the kosher

c. Farwa

i. We can connect to and reach out to spiritual life to connect them to students

VII. Adjournment

a. Motion to adjourn

i. Austin

ii. 2nd Henry

iii. In favor: 9-0-0

iv. Adjourned at 8:00 PM