Faculty in Residence - Request for Proposals due Dec 13


Contributed by Colette Matisco

The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) seeks an additional faculty member for its Faculty in Residence Program to start in Fall 2020. Applications for the Faculty in Residence Program can be found here. Please submit with subject line FacultyinResidence_LastName via email to cfe@ithaca.edu by December 13, 2019.

The Faculty in Residence program brings together a small, multidisciplinary group of faculty to form a learning community that seeks to contribute to faculty excellence, broadly defined. Each resident proposes and pursues a program of study, reflection, planning, and action related to some aspect of faculty excellence and development. The residents and CFE Director meet regularly to engage in dialogue concerning issues in higher education, to discuss projects, share ideas, and learn from and with each other.

Successful proposals evidence the following: a clear initial understanding of the existing work in, and the context of a proposed area of study; accomplishments and/or interest and promise relevant to the proposed area; connections of the proposed project to Ithaca College initiatives (e.g., areas of need identified in the Strategic Plan); potential impact beyond the faculty member’s own discipline and department; and desire to engage fully with colleagues to create a vibrant learning community.

Duration of the residency is one academic year, with the possibility of yearly renewal up to a maximum residency of three years. Residents receive one three-credit course release per semester and may not receive overload compensation during their residency. The Faculty-in-Residence program is open to all tenured faculty, as well as faculty members with six or more years of experience in an NTEN position at the college.

Contact the Center for Faculty Excellence with any questions regarding the Faculty in Residence program.

Applications are reviewed and selection is made by a committee that includes the Center Director and one member from each school, with a range of faculty ranks, and a mix of past residents and non-residents.

Proposal Guidelines
In 1000 words or less:

1) Propose a program of study, reflection, planning and action related to some aspect of faculty excellence and development.

2) Describe your accomplishments, experiences, and/or interests related to the proposed program.

3) Describe the potential impact of the proposed program beyond your discipline or department and its connection to Ithaca College initiatives (e.g., the Strategic Plan).

Signatures of your department chair or program director and your dean are required and confirm that they support your proposed program as contributing to your professional development and to the college, and that the three credits of reassigned time for each semester will fit within your teaching load.


Contact the Center for Faculty Excellence with questions regarding the Faculty in Residence program.


