Ithacapella Block 3 -Planned Parenthood Fundraising Concert


Contributed by Mac-Andrew Nelson

 Ithacappella, Ithaca College's premiere all-male identifying a cappella group is hosting their annual block 3 concert! This year, the student organization will be raising funds for Planned Parenthood

 In the spring of 2019, Ithacappella's block 3 concert was a successful fundraiser for the Trevor Project. The concert featured a set performed at the semifinal round of the International Championship for Collegiate A cappella (ICCAs) to encourage individuals "be their most authentic self." This year, Ithacappella is inspired by the continuous work Planned Parenthood does for women and the LGBTQ+ community so we would like to give back! The concert will feature performances from other student organizations such as IC Voicestream, Premium Blend, IC Pitch Please and IC Accidentals. IC Unbound and the band Sunflower Grove will also be making an appearance. 

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