The Title IX Office would like to make students, faculty and staff aware that the office remains open virtually. You can reach the Title IX Office by emailing Linda Koenig at or Omar Stoute at . You can also call Linda Koenig at 607-274-7761 or Omar Stoute at 607-274-5136. Our virtual office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-5:00PM.
We want to make you aware that if you experience sexual misconduct during this time of remote learning, Title IX remains available for someone to make a report and review options and resources available. As always, the Title IX Office can work with you regardless of where an incident takes place (your home, on-line, etc). Students who experience sexual violence (including dating violence, stalking and sexual assault), sexual harassment, or discrimination based on gender or sexual identity are encouraged to report their experience to the Title IX Coordinator to explore formal and informal reporting options and explore the support and resources available.
Anyone reporting to the Title IX Office will be reached out to via email and offered an opportunity to meet over the phone or via a video chat.
For your reference, you can review the below links that outline our polices, procedures and the Student Bill of Rights.
Ithaca College's Sexual Misconduct policy,
Ithaca College's Student Conduct Code,
New York State Students' Bill of Rights,
Please also be on the lookout for some virtual education programs the Sexual Violence Prevention Committee will be hosting during the month April! An intercom notice will be posted shortly with more information.