Whalen Symposium Goes Virtual


Contributed by Rowan Larkin

Since students are no longer returning to campus for classes, the Whalen Symposium will not be hosted physically at Ithaca College. However, the Whalen steering committee will still offer the option to showcase your research virtually if you so choose

Students who originally applied to present at Whalen and still wish to participate will have their work(s) uploaded onto the Digital Commons IC, a publically viewable site (https://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/whalen/). If you worked on a group presentation or project, please make sure you have the permission of all your group members before submitting the work.


Students may submit their work in the format of their choice, regardless of their original application. Accepted formats may include: an abstract with results, a final paper, a digital poster, a PDF of your PowerPoint presentation, or a video of your presentation or performance. Students that would like to submit work in a different format, or students with concerns about their project being posted publically are encouraged to reach out to whalen@ithaca.edu to discuss their options.

Due to restrictions with this new format, there will be no awards this year.

If you and your group wish to participate, please fill out the following survey by April 9 for each unique abstract you submitted. Make sure only one person from each research group submits in order to avoid repeats. Survey link here: https://ithaca.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6JtSSM0Qkd0Edzn

If you applied to Whalen, but do not wish to participate in digital Whalen, you do not have to do anything. We will not post any works without student permission.

