Below is information about parking on campus during the campus's response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
These regulations will be in effect until further notice with our hope at the end of the semester to enter into our summer-time regulations that have fewer restrictions.
Below are responses to question we are frequently receiving from students:
Q: Do I need to remove my car from campus?
A: There is no requirement or timeline for a student or their family to remove their vehicles from the campus.
Q: Can I come to campus to get my car?
A: Currently, government and Health officials recommend no unnecessary travel. If there is an urgent need for a vehicle that has been left on campus, students and families can pick up vehicles and remove them from campus.
Q: What happens if my vehicle is parked on campus and I can't move it?
A: Vehicles with a valid parking permit that need to remain parked on campus are permitted to do so until end of the spring semester.