The faculty of Ithaca College have been invited by Melinda Stephens, Provost, Geneva College (PA), to participate in a small research survey conducted by a graduate student at Geneva College.
This research has been reviewed by Geneva College and Ithaca College IRB.
Please find the student's solicitation and link to participate below:
My name is Benjamin Kennedy. I am a graduate student at Geneva College working towards a Masters degree in Higher Education. I hope this message finds you and your campus well amidst the unique and interesting time we are currently living in.
I am writing to you regarding a research study I am conducting as a capstone to my studies; and I need your help! I am surveying faculty from institutions like yours in their selection of technology in the classroom; particularly, I want to discover how faculty decide what technology they will or will not use. Part of my undergraduate background is in Communication (with a heavy emphasis in Rhetoric), so this subject is one I am excited to learn more about.
Below is a link to an online survey. This survey should only take 10-20 minutes to complete, with questions about faculty and their usage of technology in the classroom. The survey is anonymous, and any participants may opt to receive a free copy of my research once I have analyzed the data.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to participate. I greatly appreciate it.
Ben Kennedy '18
GA - Theater Program
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Patrick Luker at or (607) 274-1206. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.