Today: H&S Diversity Scholars Spring Research Showcase, April 27th, 4:00-5:30 p.m.


Contributed by Judith Pena-Shaff

We have had an outstanding group of Diversity fellows! They have taught (face-to-face and online), contribute to their departments, work with students, and completed (or nearly completed) their dissertations within the year. In this Zoom salon, each of them will give us a glimpse to their research and their future. Please join us Monday April 27th, 2020, 4:00-5:30 p.m. In this research showcase to hear about their work, their plans, and honor their contributions to Ithaca College.

Updated Registration URL:

Each scholar will speak briefly about their research with informal discussion and (bring your own refreshments) at the end of their showcase. Everyone is welcome!

Featured Fellows:

Natasha Bharj, Diversity scholar in the Department of Psychology. She is a PhD candidate in the Social Psychology program at the University of Kansas. This academic year she taught Gender and Sexual Violence and Culture and Psychology. The title of her talk is “The Fairer Sex: A Decolonial Feminist Approach to Ethnocentric Constructions of Sexuality”

Stephan Lefebvre, Diversity scholar in the Department of Economics. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at American University. This year he taught Race and Economic Power and Mathematical Economics. The title of his talk is “The ACA Medicaid Expansion and Asset Accumulation.”

Dr. Ryan Moruzzi, Jr., Post-Doctoral Diversity scholar in the Department of Mathematics.  Dr Moruzzi holds a  Ph.D  in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. This academic year he taught Calculus I and II. The title of his talk is “Studying the structure of particular Demazure modules”

Dr. Jonathan Osborne, Diversity scholar in the Writing Department, defended his Dissertation at the end of March! He holds a PhD from the English Department at Northeastern University. This academic year he taught Argument and Persuasion and Propaganda.  The title of his talk is “Why You Don't Find Black Conservatives Persuasive”

Gloria E. Poveda, Diversity scholar in the Department of Education. She is a Ph.D candidate in the School of Education at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This year she taught Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. The title of her talk is “Pedagogies of The Movement: Malaquias Montoya and Teachings of Chicano Public Art"

Learn more about them, their research and their plans at this gathering!