Micro-Internships Announced


Contributed by Cheryl Rotyliano

Career Services has been working with alumni to create Micro-Internships for this summer!

Micro-Internships are remote, short-term, and project-based opportunities for students to get experience, build an existing skill, and receive mentorship from an alum of IC! Some examples of projects include social media, video editing, research, writing, etc. 

Find these Micro-Internships by logging into Handshake, clicking on the Jobs tab, and keyword search Micro-Internship. Submit your resume and cover letter to apply. Your resume and cover letter will be sent to the alumnus for selection to interview and move forward with the opportunity.



Career Services would like to thank Alumni and Family Engagement for communicating this opportunity to alumni, the 12-Month Campus Strategic Planning committee for their help in promoting, and the our various partners across campus who promote career development.

