Calling Class of 2020 First-Gen Students to Share your Stories!


Contributed by Lia Munoz

 The First-Gen Center at Ithaca College is compiling an online recognition and celebration for our graduating First-Generation college students.

If you are a graduating First-Gen Student, please use THIS LINK to submit your information, stories, and photos that will be published on a website specifically for First-Gen students. The form should take you no longer than 10-15 minutes and allows you to upload a headshot/profile photo and up to 4 additional photos highlighting experiences from IC.

Our goals are to 1) celebrate and showcase the accomplishments of our amazing first-gen community, 2) provide students with an avenue to share their stories of resilience and success, and 3) share student stories on a platform that is easily accessible to family, loved ones, and other first-gen communities world wide.  

For questions email Lia Munoz at