Dr. Margaret Shackell (Accounting) Wins Two Lybrand Research Awards


Contributed by Marie Blouin

Margaret Shackell (Accounting) won two prestigious Lybrand Awards for Strategic Finance and Management Accounting Quarterly. She won Silver Medal for her manuscript, “Talk May be Cheap, but it Works: Supplement Quantitative Performance Measures with Narrative Reporting,” co-authored with Jeremiah Bentley, Conner Blake, and Pamela Trafford.

The article discusses the benefits of supplementing quantitative performance measures with explanations to reduce dysfunctional outcomes. It is available at https://sfmagazine.com/post-entry/march-2020-let-me-explain/

Dr. Shackell also won a Certificate of Merit in the annual Lybrand Awards for her manuscript, “Using Lean Accounting to Support Lean Manufacturing Increases in Performance”, co-authored with Phebian Davis, Lydia Schleifer, and Sally K. Widener.

The article explains the increased benefit to Lean Operations form adding Lean Managerial Accounting systems. Full text is available at https://sfmagazine.com/post-entry/january-2020-creating-a-lean-environment/

The winners’ names will appear in the August 2020 issue of Strategic Finance and on the SFmagazine.com website.



