One credit course on the election!


Contributed by Michael Trotti

There are seats still available for a course which will discuss the 2020 election as it is happening, and set it into historical context.  Can be taken in person/hybrid, and/or all remote: HISTORICAL CONTEXTS for the 2020 ELECTIONS (1 credit), Thursdays, 10:50am

HIST 18501, CRN # 21541

(for more, contact Michael Trotti, History department,


For 10 weeks, once-a-week (we will not meet after Thanksgiving), we will learn about the 2020 election’s developing stories, while building the history of:

·      Voting rights – who votes?

·      Gerrymandering – how do district boundaries matter?

·      Partisan Divide – are we now the most divided ever?

·      Money – how has the role of money in politics changed?

·      Voting technologies – how do we count the vote?

·      Party Platforms – what do we stand for?

·      Political advertising – how has this changed over time?

·      . . . and more.

(for more, contact Michael Trotti, History department,