Exercise Science and Athletic Training Associate Professor, Justine Vosloo, publishes paper on Culturally Competent Sport Psychology in The Sport Psychologist journal


Contributed by Jackie Wandell

Justine Vosloo, PhD. CMPC, Associate Professor from the Department of Exercise Science and Athletic Training published a paper: “Culturally Competent Sport Psychology: A Survey of Sport Psychology Professionals’ Perception of Cultural Competence” in one of the premier journals in the field: The Sport Psychologist. The paper examined the perceived cultural competency levels of professionals in the field of sport psychology (i.e. Certified Mental Performance Coaches/CMPCs & Sport Psychologists). The paper examined the professionals’ perceived cultural knowledge, competency and beliefs around the effectiveness of formal training in the development of their own cultural competence. A major finding was that professionals believed that their training was only moderately effective in their cultural competence development.

This may have been due to a lack of emphasis in training and usage of culturally informed self-reflective practice, and the limited role that cultural competence development plays in most graduate training programs and continuing education within the field. This paper will inform and guide future graduate training and continuing educational practices in the field, during a time where culturally aware and competent sport professionals are vital to the support of athletes at all levels of play. The full article can be found here: https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/tsp/34/3/article-p242.xml




