Yes, it's Friday.


Contributed by Sara Jacobs

Days seem to be blending together.  Take a step back and reclaim the moment. Your email inbox can wait for one more minute. Instead, begin counting 17-syllables out loud on your fingers.  Then add some words, reflections, perhaps setting a scene, or adding nature references, sports highlights, or random juxtapositions for fun. This weekend, add Haiku writing to your to-do list.

Haiku is a traditional Japanese form of poetry: a 17 syllable poem written in three lines. First line = 5 syllables, second line = 7 and third line = 5.  (The 5-7-5 style is one variation that is commonly used in English Haiku). 

Submit  today at: MY HAIKU for the Staff Haiku Project.  For information contact: Staff Council members Sara Jacobs and/or Sarah Shank at: or