We now have a college-wide license for Padlet, a virtual collaborative white board, and the Center for Faculty Excellence, Teaching and Learning with Technology, and the Library have prepared resources that can help you get started and use the tool effectively.
We have prepared two video tutorials: one walks through setting up the tool; the other offers examples of how it can be used.
Setup: https://media.ithaca.edu/media/Padlet+Setup/1_v9qg2gob
Examples: https://media.ithaca.edu/media/Padlet+Examples/1_o6ebt8sk
Additional resources and examples can be found at other institutions, such as this guide and embedded in this libguide.
We will also offer a workshop on using Padlet on Tuesday, October 6, 9:30-10:30am. Link: https://ithaca.zoom.us/j/96085462739?pwd=b1BiK3JocnNTTWtiakRnU1Nqb0QwZz09