Look Here.


Contributed by Sara Jacobs

Who: You.

What: Haiku. Write one.

Where: Here. Conveniently located.

How: Yes. Absolutely correct.

Why: A) Why not.  B) A Creative outlet.  C) A chance to be profound. D) A chance to not be profound. E) Capture a moment in time. F) Free. G) It's the newest dance craze.

When: Right now. (or over the weekend if you're the "living for the weekend" type.) www.youtube.com/watch (*Skip ads).


The Haiku Project. Seeking Submissions. No poetry writing experience  necessary. Anonymous entries accepted. Deadline to submit: October 9th/or over this weekend.

*Haiku is a traditional Japanese form of poetry: a 17 syllable poem written in three lines. First line = 5 syllables, second line = 7 and third line = 5.  (The 5-7-5 style is one variation that is commonly used in English Haiku).

Submit  today at: MY HAIKU. For information contact Staff Council members Sara Jacobs and/or Sarah Shank at: sjacobs4@ithaca.edu or sshank@ithaca.edu


