
Cover Story: Six in '10

Meet some of our newest alumni.

At Commencement 2010, the number of IC alumni increased by about 1,300. Finding space for that many stories is a stretch, so ICView decided to introduce the class of 2010 by offering profiles of six new grads, one from each school. The deans recommended them based on achievement as well as campus and community involvement. For some of the new alumni, English is their native language. For others, it is not. One of them originally got to campus after driving three hours from home. Another had to cross more time zones than you can count on one hand. One aspires to be an opera singer, another a filmmaker, another a gerontological nurse. Becoming a molecular biologist, a proprietary trader, and a speech pathologist lie ahead for the remaining three. But despite their different pasts and most likely their different futures, what these new alumni have in common with each other — and hopefully with their classmates and with you — is the discovery that Ithaca College has enriched their lives in ways they never foresaw.