
Cover Story

Meet some of our newest alumni.

At Commencement 2010, the number of IC alumni increased by about 1,300. Finding space for that many stories is a stretch, so ICView decided to introduce the class of 2010 by offering profiles of six new grads, one from each school. The deans recommended them based on...


Realized gains     By Keith Davis

Before Peter Goranov arrived at IC, he’d only seen the United States on computer screens. The only English he’d heard was in classrooms...



Embracing life—and death     By Keith Davis

“It’s surreal to glance in your rearview mirror and see the underbody of a pickup truck,” says Mary May Pratt. “It’s not like a movie. In real life, when a...


What can you do with an IC English degree? Become a chef, of course. What if your degree is in theater arts management? You can start an organic food business. If you majored in television-radio? Find work as a cook on a National Science Foundation research ship.

Sixteen students left South...


By Kate Larrabee

Some Ithaca College grads follow the straight and narrow path from college to career. Others, like Greg Silverman, find themselves on a more circuitous route.

As an Ithaca student, Silverman studied anthropology and politics. He then went on to graduate school at the...


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