
Third Place Fine Art: "Outer Spaces"

by Darah Clatworthy Bull ‘84

The outer and inner spaces of my work are inspired by nature’s random beauty. The ever-changing celestial sky is a perfect example of this: the clouds, moon, sun, and stars take on different qualities of light, color, and mood due to atmospheric changes – as do my glazes in the kiln! By layering glazes that flow freely in the firing process, random hues and splashes of color are created. I take into account the outer and inner shape of each piece, which also effects the flow of the glaze. The applied and cut-out facets, sculpted to have a graceful and dramatic flare, are placed so it seems as though they are interacting with each other. The animation of these design elements is intensified by the illumination of the outer or inner space of each piece. Nature has an animated quality even in stillnessa characteristic I feel my work expresses. I try to achieve this dance and balance of earthiness and elegance in every piece I make.

— Darah Clatworthy Bull