
Fine Art

by Steve Alpert ’73

Steve Alpert ’73 worked in television and theater for 30 years before switching careers 10 years ago to become a professional artist. Since then, his work has been...


by Dina Anchin '06

Dina Anchin ’06 (also Fine Art, Second Place, “Staten Island Ferry Moment #2”), who majored in drama with minors in art and art history, works in a variety of media including graphite, oil paint, watercolor, and pastel, with a focus in portraiture. During the past year she held two...


by Dina Anchin '06

Dina Anchin ’06 (also Third Place, “Moment #8”), who majored in drama with minors in art and art history, works in a variety of media including graphite, oil paint, watercolor, and pastel, with a focus in portraiture. During the past year she held two internships in art conservation, one at...


by Joan Segil Holleb '80

Joan Segil Holleb ’80, a full-time artist based in Highland Park, Illinois, has been working recently on copper. “I bend, fold, and mutilate it,” she says, “and then use chemicals to create a patina, giving the sense that it is old scrap metal. I then paint my images in oil on top of the patinas. I am trying to create a sense of...


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