
ABC Reporter Bill Diehl '63 on Woodstock's 40th Anniversary

Woodstock, 40 years on . . .

Bill Diehl '63 recently did a feature for ABC News Radio on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, the festival of music, love, and mud that took place in Bethel, New York, in August 1969. News correspondent Diehl officially retired in fall 2007 after more than 35 years -- the last 20 covering mostly entertainment news -- but has been called back to continue with the network as a freelance correspondent. He enjoyed his look back at the generation-defining weekend.

"Both of those featured in the interview, Pete Fornatale and Mike Eisgrau, worked with me back in 1969 at WNEW AM and FM in New York," Bill tells us. "It was quite a year . . . Americans on the moon, and peace, love, and rock 'n roll at Woodstock!"

Listen to "Back to the Garden," Bill's piece on the Woodstock 40th anniversary, by clicking on the link at right (MP3 file).