
ICView 2009/2

She’s as involved as ever, more than a half-century since that arresting photo was taken.

Many readers commented on the beautiful photo of the stunning young woman in the library on the back cover of ICView 2009/2. When we published it, we hoped that someone would get in touch and let us know who she is.

We’re happy to report that we found her! Carolyn...


Bravo on “Being Gay at Ithaca.” I consider myself so lucky to have attended Ithaca College, where I could explore my own identity and affirm that of my peers. My experience at IC compelled me into full-time activism, most recently as the interfaith community organizer for the No on Prop 8 (marriage equality) campaign in California.

The life-saving impact of IC’s LGBT...


When I was deciding on which college to attend, the reputations of the Ithaca community and Ithaca College as being open and progressive environments were huge factors for me. I could not have had a better experience coming out while at IC. The abundance of out people and allies at Ithaca changed the path of my life forever.

It was amazing to see the history of queer life chronicled in...


"For the most of U.S. history, to be gay was to be secretive." When I was a student at Ithaca "gay" meant that a person was lighthearted and carefree. I'm sure we had homosexuals, as all societies have, but they weren't recruiting new members.

It hurts me to see Ithaca leading this movement. A few years ago I read in a student newspaper, here in Tennessee, where...


I was very happy to read the extremely well done article on “Being Gay at Ithaca” (2009/2).

Having come out my freshman year at Ithaca, I went on to be part of a small but vocal gay-rights organization. In 1979, we actually held a rally on campus, then marched to the administration building, where we held a sit-in in President Whalen’s office. The issue? Inclusion of...


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