
Mailbox: "Being Gay" Strikes a Chord

I wanted to take time to thank the editor of ICView for the terrific article, "Being Gay at Ithaca."

As an alumna and a former employee in the student affairs division, I know the wealth of varied backgrounds, identities, and experiences of IC students. I believe the ability to accept and integrate all parts of oneself is just as important as the ability to empathize with the varying identites of others. The LGBT office, and Lis Maurer in particular, have been invaluable in helping all students learn how to exist in the reality of a very diverse, rich, and complicated world.

This article has given me a fuller context in which to appreciate what has been accomplished at IC. I am proud to be associated with an institution that recognizes the importance of many types of students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Keep up the good work!

Kristina Nance, M.S. '01
Oxford, Ohio