
Athletic Facilities

Improving the Future

When John McClung and his wife, Paula, first visited Ithaca College with their daughter, Alison, they thought it would be a fine place for her. “We came away feeling very good about the school,” John said, “but we never told Alison that.” Instead, they let her decide. Ithaca became Alison’s No. 1...


"We want to do more."

It was an inauspicious first date on the day of David Lebow’s graduation from Ithaca College. Betsey Ladd, a casual friend, agreed to meet him downtown after Commencement. Expectations weren’t high: David’s 16-year-old cousin tagged along.

“I thought it was going to...


Speech Comms Class Project Raises Funds

Some students complete assignments, and some students knock them out of the park. For the team that planned an event that raised $800 for the campaign through a class project, it’s easy to see which category fits.

In her small group communication class, speech communication professor...