
By Karin Fleming


Innovative culture chronicler Tom Wolfe lays it on the line. By Karin Fleming ‘09

“It’s just not a dignified occupation on any level,” said journalist Tom Wolfe of his profession. He then compared journalists to “beggars” — always scraping for the piece of information that will feed their story. A reporter, Wolf said, must...


Rick Frishman ’76 tells writers “How to Get Published in America.”  by Karin Fleming ‘09

After two years in the theater department at Ithaca College, aspiring actor Rick Frishman ’76 was told by one of his professors a couple of things that might have sent a lesser man running off to join the circus: one, that his short stature would never land...


Frustrated by most Americans’ ignorance of blacks’ contributions to society, Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week (which would take a half century to be institutionalized nationally as the renamed and expanded Black History Month) in 1926. The son of former slaves, Woodson eventually earned his Ph.D. from Harvard...


The longtime School of Music leader leaves a vigorous program.  By Karin Fleming ’09

Years before the James J. Whalen Center for Music became a reality, music dean Arthur Ostrander was working to make it one. Facilities in Ford Hall had become cramped and...


FLEFF offers an ever-expanding smorgasbord of indie and rare films, music, classes, and more. by Karin Fleming ’09 with Maura Stephens

“How many opportunities do we have for a shared academic experience that cuts across the entire campus?” asks Tanya Saunders, dean of...


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