SGA and Senior Class Election Results


Contributed by Janet Williams

Thank you to all who voted in the SGA and Senior Class Elections this spring! Congrats to all the candidates on a wonderful election. Please find the results below.

There were 1745 voters in the SGA Elections from April 11-15. The current board members, Congress representatives, and Senior Class officers will leave office on May 15th and the following people will enter office for the 2005-2006 school year pending their acceptance:

Senior Class
The Surprise Party

SGA Exec Board
THE Party

SGA Senate

Sophomore Senate Seats:
Anthony Bisalti
Kerry Dolan
Anna Day
Mallory Moyer

Junior Senate Seats:
Rachel Mandel
Nicole Spitalieri
Ebony Blue
Kristin Leising

Senior Senate Seats:
Annie Grappone
Tony Saccoccio
Dana Konschak
Joncier Rienecker

Music Senate Seat:
Zack Ford

Humanities and Sciences Senate Seat:
Aaron Bloom

HSHP Senate Seat:
Courtney Peck

Park Senate Seat:
Brian Dashew

Business Senate Seat:
Jennifer Goldman

DIIS Senate Seat:
To Be Announced