Thank you to all who voted in the SGA and Senior Class Elections this spring! Congrats to all the candidates on a wonderful election. Please find the results below.
There were 1745 voters in the SGA Elections from April 11-15. The current board members, Congress representatives, and Senior Class officers will leave office on May 15th and the following people will enter office for the 2005-2006 school year pending their acceptance:
Senior Class
The Surprise Party
SGA Exec Board
THE Party
SGA Senate
Sophomore Senate Seats:
Anthony Bisalti
Kerry Dolan
Anna Day
Mallory Moyer
Junior Senate Seats:
Rachel Mandel
Nicole Spitalieri
Ebony Blue
Kristin Leising
Senior Senate Seats:
Annie Grappone
Tony Saccoccio
Dana Konschak
Joncier Rienecker
Music Senate Seat:
Zack Ford
Humanities and Sciences Senate Seat:
Aaron Bloom
HSHP Senate Seat:
Courtney Peck
Park Senate Seat:
Brian Dashew
Business Senate Seat:
Jennifer Goldman
DIIS Senate Seat:
To Be Announced