ITS has a couple of different email initiatives going on this summer and thought it would be helpful to summarize the changes in one article.
Email Server Replacement
The main Ithaca College email servers will be replaced the weekend of July 29. For reference, a server is a computer -- generally a high-end, powerful one -- that provides ("serves") information or services to other computers over a network. For complete details about the server upgrade see ITS to Install New Email Servers.
Changes to Settings in Mac OS X Mail, Netscape Messenger and Thunderbird
While the major portion of the email server replacement project will go on "behind the scenes," some users of Mac OS X Mail, Netscape Messenger (both Mac and Windows) and Thunderbird may need to make changes to their program settings in order for the program to communicate correctly with the new servers. Information about checking/changing settings can be found in the Changing Email Server Settings guide (PDF).
New Email Program (Thunderbird) for Windows
Thunderbird is the new email program that ITS will be supporting on Windows computers. Thunderbird is replacing Netscape Messenger, which will no longer be supported on Windows computers after October 17. See ITS Announces New Email Program for Windows to learn more.
The ITS Helpdesk would be happy to answer any questions about the Ithaca College email system and the changes that are occurring this summer. Contact us at or 4-3282.