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ITS wants to notify users of the Ithaca College email system that new email servers will be installed at the end of July. These servers are responsible for handling all Ithaca College email activity and are being replaced with updated equipment.

The new equipment is scheduled to be installed the weekend of July 29. Email service will be unavailable starting at 3:00 p.m. on Friday and continuing through 3:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Prior to the server upgrade, people who use OS X Mail, Netscape 4.x, or Thunderbird as their email program may need to make some changes to the settings in their program in order for it to work correctly with the new email servers. These changes involve the email server name and other related settings that are stored in the email program. ITS will be posting detailed instructions for making any necessary changes very shortly. People who use Webmail ( exclusively will not need to make any changes.

For information about Thunderbird, see ITS Announces New Email Program for Windows

ITS realizes that email is a vital part of how many of us communicate and that email system downtime can be very inconvenient. However, in order to ensure that the Ithaca College email system continues to function reliably and is capable of handling the ever-increasing demand on its use, such downtime is occasionally necessary. For questions, contact ITS at or 4-3282.

Information Technology Services

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