Campus Sustainability Day -- Wednesday, October 24


Contributed by Marian Brown

On Wednesday, October 24, Ithaca College will observe Campus Sustainability Day with a full day of programming and activities, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites in the Campus Center.

The day will begin with displays and demonstrations and video shorts from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Among the activities will be EarthCafé 2050, an interactive demonstration of "ecological footprinting."

New this year is a blind taste-test challenge, to see if tasters can tell the difference between bottled spring water, bottled purified water from public water sources (e.g. Aquafina), and our own local tap water.

At 11:30 a.m., during a special Sustainability Café, Jeff Scott, general manager of dining services, will present on his division's sustainability innovations in dining here at Ithaca College. A light sustainable lunch will be served.

At 12:00 p.m., we will tune into the national webcast sponsored by the Society for College and University Planning. The SCUP webcast this year is titled "Building a Durable Future: Community, the Campus, and Deep Economy," and features Bill McKibben, author of End of Nature and Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future. McKibben (who spoke last month at Cornell) will address how economics may be the key to a more sustainable future and the role colleges and universities can play to support "deep economies."

Throughout the day, video shorts with sustainability themes will be played and you can come visit tables at which campus departments and student organizations will share what they are doing to make Ithaca College more sustainable.

All the activities during Campus Sustainability Day are free and open to the public.