Get a Taste of This -- Dining Happenings


Contributed by Julie Whitten

Don't miss out on this week's exciting events!

February 24 -- Mardi Gras Dinner
Dinner, Campus Center
Kick off Fat Tuesday with great New Orleans cuisine, festive masks and beads.

February 24 -- Mardi Gras Dinner
Dinner, Terraces
Kick off Fat Tuesday with great New Orleans cuisine, festive masks and beads.

Menu highlights include: Creole Jumbalaya w/ Shrimp & Sausage, Oven fried catfish, Cajun Blackened Chicken, Hell Potatoes and 5 food Muffalatas

February 25 -- Ash Wednesday
All Day, All Dining Halls
Featured menu: Fish will be available for those observing Ash Wednesday.

February 26 -- Soul Food Dinner
Dinner, Terraces
Join the African-Latino Society as we celebrate Black History Month in the Terraces Dining Hall! Enjoy some delicious soul food and the sounds of Amani Gospel Singers.

For more information, please visit