Opportunity for Ithaca College Community Poets and Poetry Readers


Contributed by Penny Bianconi

For over a year Gerontology Institute fellow Katharyn Howd Machan, professor in the Department of Writing, has been directing a new Gerontology Institute project for the Linden Center for Creativity and Aging: a New York statewide poetry contest for high school students on the theme "In Honor of Our Elders."

After the June 15 deadline, judges Paul Hamill and Annette Corth selected first, second, third, and two honorable mention winners, who have been awarded cash prizes. On Sunday, August 30, 3-4 p.m. in the Longview auditorium, the Gerontology Institute will host a reception in honor of the winners. All members of the Ithaca College community are invited to participate by sharing a poem or two (their own or others') that celebrate aging. Please let Katharyn Machan know as soon as possible -- by August 24 at the latest -- if you are willing to be part of this special event. Even if you opt not to read, you are warmly welcome to attend.

