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Opportunity for Ithaca College Community Poets and Poetry ReadersContributed by Penny Bianconi on 08/01/09
After the June 15 deadline, judges Paul Hamill and Annette Corth selected first, second, third, and two honorable mention winners, who have been awarded cash prizes. On Sunday, August 30, 3-4 p.m. in the Longview auditorium, the Gerontology Institute will host a reception in honor of the winners. All members of the Ithaca College community are invited to participate by sharing a poem or two (their own or others') that celebrate aging. Please let Katharyn Machan know as soon as possible -- by August 24 at the latest -- if you are willing to be part of this special event. Even if you opt not to read, you are warmly welcome to attend. |
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