You will soon be noticing a change in the toilet paper and paper towels we provide on campus. This will include a change in the dispensers as well.
Facilities Services is very excited about our move to Tork for our toilet tissue and paper towels. We chose to make this switch because of cost savings over the old system plus we believe it is a better quality of paper and a much improved dispensing system, and we think you'll agree.
SCA, the manufacturer of Tork products was also ranked as the second greenest company in the world, just behind a Swedish wind turbine company. Each year Tork recycles 750,000 tons of paper, of which 400,000 tons is post consumer waste. 750,000 tons of wastepaper is enough to cover 234 football fields three feet high in wastepaper, including end zones. If that same volume was concrete, you could build 31 Sears Towers!!
Researching our paper choices carefully we were most impressed with Tork’s processes and the high quality of their product. If you would like to read about the company’s sustainable commitment go to: and
All of the dispensers we are changing to are ADA compliant and the paper towel dispensers are touch-less without the use of electricity or batteries. Please understand that the change out of all the dispensers throughout campus will take the entire semester and many students will not see the new dispensers in the residence halls until the start of the spring semester. Any questions, concerns or if you would like more information please feel free to contact Lisa Belokur in the office of Facilities at 274-3225.