Reminder: Nominations for Faculty Excellence Awards Due March 25


Contributed by Arhlene Flowers

The Faculty Development Committee seeks nominations for Faculty Excellence Awards by March 25, 2011. This year, we are fortunate to offer five awards, each for $1,500. In order to be eligible for these awards, a candidate must be a full-time faculty member who has completed at least one year of employment at Ithaca College and who will be full time (TE or NTEN) during the 2011-2012 academic year. 

The Faculty Excellence Awards for 2009-2010 were awarded to the following faculty:

Nomination forms are available in the deans’ offices and on the Center for Faculty Excellence website at The nomination form along with supporting materials must be submitted to Nancy Jacobson, Chair, Faculty Development Committee, Department of Biology, 256 Center for Natural Sciences, 274-1837,, by Friday, March 25, 2011.  Also, click on the Faculty Awards & Recognition link for more details on previous award winners.