We will be featuring a different themed photo contest every two weeks for the remainder of the academic year!
This weeks theme: "FRIENDSHIP"
Monday, March 7th - Friday, March 18th
Spring Break is right around the corner, and you know you'll be missing your IC family when you're away. Submit a photo of you and your friends chumming it up on campus!! Show us the friendships you've made and share the memories you've created.
The Basics:
1) Each photo contest will be open for 2 weeks.
2) Each photo should be submitted by a current IC student, with the following:
- a piece of advice for incoming freshman
- name, major, and graduation year
3) Materials are submitted to fye@ithaca.edu
4) The winning photo will be featured on the FYE website, and be in the running to be in the FYE marketing materials.
5) Each person that submits a photo gets a ticket put in the drawing for a $250 Amazon.com gift card at the end of the semester.
6) Each theme is open to interpretation, and encourages creativity!