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We will be featuring a different themed photo contest every two weeks for the remainder of the academic year!

This weeks theme: "FRIENDSHIP"
Monday, March 7th - Friday, March 18th

Spring Break is right around the corner, and you know you'll be missing your IC family when you're away.  Submit a photo of you and your friends chumming it up on campus!!  Show us the friendships you've made and share the memories you've created.

The Basics:
1) Each photo contest will be open for 2 weeks.

2) Each photo should be submitted by a current IC student, with the following:
    - a piece of advice for incoming freshman
    - name, major, and graduation year

3) Materials are submitted to

4) The winning photo will be featured on the FYE website, and be in the running to be in the FYE marketing materials.

5) Each person that submits a photo gets a ticket put in the drawing for a $250 gift card at the end of the semester.

6) Each theme is open to interpretation, and encourages creativity!


FYE Photo Contest ~ Theme: "FRIENDSHIP" ~ March 7th-March 18th | 0 Comments |
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