OSEMA Student Organization Recognition Process begins TODAY!
Contributed by Theresa Johnson
OSEMA Student Organization Recognition opens today! You will be able to complete the recognition process before classes begin; however, please note student organizations can still not program or travel until the first day of classes, August 24.
To become an OSEMA recognized student organization please complete the following steps:
- Complete the OSEMA Recognition form(Returning ONLY) on the Club Hub Portal
- Complete those steps.
- Update your Student Organization portal on OrgSync
- Go to your portal
- Edit your profile (include updated contact information, upload your current constitution, and write when your general meetings will be held)
- Take a screen shot and upload it to the OSEMA Recognition Form
- Have 10 active members (4 officers- 1 presiding officer; 1 finance manager)
- Have a full time Ithaca College employee agree to be the adviser by signing an online Adviser Agreement and approving recognition submission
- Adviser agreement will be sent out after the OSEMA Recognition form is completed.
- Upload a constitution that states the mission statement, membership and the discrimination clause
a. View a sample constitution here
b. Upload the constitution to your portal and take a screenshot
c. upload the screenshot to the recog
- Complete the Officer Training
- Student Organization officers are required to receive training. Officers can read the student organization guidebook or Student Organization Resource Book.
- The officers are required to complete the officer quiz.
- Treasurers are required to complete the treasurer quiz.
- Quizzes will be sent out after the OSEMA Recognition form is completed.
*New student organizations are required to meet with the Student Organization Recognition Team. Meetings can be scheduled for the first week of classes by contacting the OSEMA office at 607-274-3222.
New Student Organizations need to complete this form.
If you have any questions please email tradley@ithaca.edu.