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OSEMA Student Organization Recognition opens today! You will be able to complete the recognition process before classes begin; however, please note student organizations can still not program or travel until the first day of classes, August 24.

To become an OSEMA recognized student organization please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the OSEMA Recognition form(Returning ONLY) on the Club Hub Portal
    1. Complete those steps.
  2. Update your Student Organization portal on OrgSync
    1. Go to your portal
    2. Edit your profile (include updated contact information, upload your current constitution, and write when your general meetings will be held)
    3. Take a screen shot and upload it to the OSEMA Recognition Form
  3. Have 10 active members (4 officers- 1 presiding officer; 1 finance manager)
  4. Have a full time Ithaca College employee agree to be the adviser by signing an online Adviser Agreement and approving recognition submission
    1. Adviser agreement will be sent out after the OSEMA Recognition form is completed.
  5. Upload a constitution that states the mission statement, membership and the discrimination clause
             a. View a sample constitution here
             b. Upload the constitution to your portal and take a screenshot
             c. upload the screenshot to the recog
  6. Complete the Officer Training
    1. Student Organization officers are required to receive training. Officers can read the student organization guidebook or Student Organization Resource Book.
    2. The officers are required to complete the officer quiz.
    3. Treasurers are required to complete the treasurer quiz.
      1. Quizzes will be sent out after the OSEMA Recognition form is completed.

*New student organizations are required to meet with the Student Organization Recognition Team. Meetings can be scheduled for the first week of classes by contacting the OSEMA office at 607-274-3222.

New Student Organizations need to complete this form.

If you have any questions please email

OSEMA Student Organization Recognition Process begins TODAY! | 0 Comments |
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